STEAM Learning & Design Thinking – The 21st Century Learning Imperative

STEAM Learning & Design Thinking – The 21st Century Learning Imperative

From Students to Inventors or Innnovators - Samashti STEAM Lab

It’s no longer enough to gain knowledge in a particular subject.

Students must acquire a combination of workplace and life skills across multiple areas of knowledge for success.

In the ever-changing 21st century world, skills, and technologies that will position our students to succeed are thinking skills such as creative thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and communication skills. Also with them, equally important are the digital literacies such as coding and the life skills that include traits like risk-taking and leadership.

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has also emphasized the same as the direction for students in K12 schools and colleges.

STEAM Learning & Design Thinking Pedagogies are a great way to inculcate these skills in children. STEAM Learning integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math into “interdependent” learning units based on real-world applications.

Creya STEAM Lab & Design Studio at Samashti

Samashti International School with the vision of helping students hone 21st-century skills has been a pioneer in integrating STEAM Learning as part of their regular academic calendar since its inception.

With India’s leading Creya STEAM Lab, Design Studio & Maker Space set-up in the school, students from Grade 1 onwards get work on an array of technologies right from Coding to Engineering Design and Digital Media. As they move to Middle School, they also start getting exposed to the Internet of Things and Robotics.

Students develop literacies, competencies, and other skills through STEAM education
With this program, children develop literacies, competencies, skills, and attitudes that will help them thrive in this fast­growing world.

Students get to experience hands-on experiential learning where they go through a well-structured curriculum and a design thinking framework as they design, tinker, think and prototype in solving the world’s problems using concepts from the classroom.

Students also go through a 360-degree self-assessment every 6-7 weeks which contains self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment meeting requirements of NEP 2020 that other schools aspire to now.

With Creya STEAM Lab, Design Studio & Maker Space, students of Samashti International School are geared for thriving and succeeding in the world they will step into.

We are inspiring our students to become inventors and innovators.

Here are a few graphics done by Samashians.

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