
COVID-19 – Responses from Parents of Samashtians

Responses from Parents of Samashtians on the Covid-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 – Responses from Parents of Samashtians

Samashti threw a few questions for our parents to know what they were thinking about the COVID – 19 Pandemic outbreak. Here are some of the questions that were asked:

Do you think our responses to climate change and Corona virus are linked?

How has Covid affected your life?

Is there any positives that you can pick and show among this darkness?

And the responses were overwhelming – thank you all! Here are a few (apparently we can’t feature all of them here).

Though there is no scientific evidence that the Corona virus is made by the nature to eradicate the human being’s sinful acts towards the mother earth, it makes sense for us to think on the hypothetical ground that by its virtue, nature has brought this virus to the humankind to remind them to be responsible towards their deeds while they intend to invest the elements of the nature to be luxurious rather than being just keen on their survival.

Ravi (Father of Srivatsava Nikhil, Grade 2A)

The coronavirus pandemic is a tragedy. Something strange is happening. Not just the illness and death sweeping the planet, the closing of borders, and schools. During this lockdown period, your responses are appreciated. Children are very much excited to attend online classes. They learned how to take care of pets and spent more time gardening. By following government rules your management is doing a great job. We are happy to be a part of your institution.

Chetana Neelam (Parent of Akshaya 1D)

I think Air quality has largely improved due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Air pollution increases the risk of other illnesses like heart disease and respiratory issues, something that has had a direct impact on those suffering during the Coronavirus outbreak.

About one in eight deaths around the world are caused by air pollution. Additionally, extreme weather events and increased temperatures can all have negative effects on public health. Extreme weather events are getting more severe. So we’re seeing more severe heat waves. We’re seeing more severe wildfires.

So it’s absolutely clear to us that climate change is making these extreme weather events worse, and it brings a whole range of severe impacts on human health.

Father of Yuvaraju from 6 D

Yes, according to me our responses to climate change and coronavirus are linked. Corona is an invisible, deadly virus. It is spreading very vigorously in many states and countries. Coronavirus will spread more vigorously in cold climates than hot. We need to be more careful in rainy and winter seasons to overcome this virus. We should take healthy food and keep ourselves hygienic to stop reaching virus to us and spreading among others. So stay home stay safe, maintain social distancing.

P.Yamini Sahitya (Mother of P.Sai Vaibhav Ram 4th Grade)

Coronavirus is a global pandemic that has brought the entire world to a standstill. It has been the cause and continues to be the cause of lakhs of deaths of people especially those who are more susceptible to the virus and whose immune system succumbs.

On the other side, due to the lockdown around the world there has been a noticeable reduction in Air and water pollution. We can also appreciate the birds chirping sounds which has been ignored all this while due to high decibel sounds of traffic and other noise.

This is a huge learning for all of us. Once the world comes out of the coronavirus curb, it is imperative that we give utmost respect to our Mother Nature.

C. Lakshmi Prasad (Parent of C. Laasyapriya, Class 2B)

The origin of Coronavirus (as of now) is traced to a virus found in bats. It was found that the virus doesn’t appear to be destroyed by high temperatures or grow in humid conditions. However, climate change looks like magnifying the extent of the issue. Climate change possibly is resulting in the viruses moving from forests (read as in animals) to the places where human beings live. So, this may be a stark reminder of many more calamities to affect human life on this planet.

Besides, when we check the spread of the virus across the geographies, we find that it is the cities that are heavily impacted. It does even highlight, the higher density of the population, more chances for the virus to spread. It is no big surprise that these cities have a higher share of the usage of natural resources, burn more fossil-based fuel and contribute largely towards climate change.

States in India (and else where in the world) which are hinterlands are minimum impacted – example Sikkim which has no covid19 patients till a few days ago.

The positive aspect of the whole calamity is, post lock down it is widely reported in the media that the climate and air quality has considerably improved across cities. This should help us all as a race to look back on how to live in harmony with the environment and with other species inhabiting this planet. Its time to ctrl+shift+del and reboot and realign our style of living with nature.

Satya Madhuri (Mother of Shanmukkhaw, Class 3 C)

Yes, the CoronaVirus pandemic may help us realize the ties which we have with the environment better on a global scale. One of the measures which are undertaken by the government across the globe is the lockdown. And during this period we have seen pollution levels have reduced, rivers have become cleaner.

The air feels purer and with reduced pollution, stargazing is a delight now. Also recently there was a news article where it showed South Asian river dolphins returning to Kolkata ghats after 30 years. So with less human intervention and activities, nature is reclaiming its due. It makes us realize that working towards climate change is not restricted to any government or organization but the onus lies on us as individuals working together as one entity.

Parent of Mitakshi, Grade 2

We don’t think there is any link between our responses to climate change and Coronavirus. But due to the global battle against Coronavirus, it could help us fight climate change. Due to Covid19 many of the heavy industries, chemical factories, small and medium industries that emit toxic gases into the air are currently stopped, cars are not running on the roads, electricity consumption has reduced a bit and et al.

All the above were causing a lot of death worldwide more than what the Covid19 has caused. Covid19 being contagious we are forced to follow the rules of nature but what happens when the situation is back to normal. Countries will gear up to make up for the loss and all the industries will work harder to steady its economy and that will bring in more challenges for us, sustain or be the victim.

Parents of Uday and Aadhira

Yes, absolutely. Corona Virus is not a natural hazard, it is a virus that came from humans. We live in an age in which intersecting crises are being lifted to a global scale, with unseen levels of inequality and environmental degradations as new surges in populism and mounting public health threats.

Manisha Reddy (Parent of Manasvi Reddy, Grade 3E)

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